Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Dog Strollers Provide Comfort to Dogs With Anxiety Issues

Canine anxiety isn't limited to any particular breeds, but small dogs seem to be more prone to the condition than their larger counterparts. The stereotypical "shaky" dog is the Chihuahua, not exactly known for its large size, but there is a benefit to their size as well -- they can fit in small dog strollers! You may not consider yourself the type to get dog strollers, but it could actually help your pet. If your dog is prone to anxiety in large crowds or around any new people, pet strollers allow you to ease your dog into the situation without causing too much stress. Why does your dog get stressed? There are two major sources of canine anxiety: separation and over-stimulation. The first occurs when you leave for work or to go anywhere without your dog and in response, your dog freaks out and causes destruction and even injury. The other is what causes most anxiety outside the home. Dogs have a heightened sense of smell and hearing, so you may underestimate how much your dog actually experiences when you take him out to an unfamiliar place with lots of people. So many smells fill the air and sounds can be heard -- many dogs love all the excitement, but for smaller dogs or breeds prone to anxiety, this can be more like a nightmare.
Dog strollers can help by providing a layer of protection to your dog when you take him out. He can still see out, if you let him, and can have the protective screen lowered so no one will reach in to pet him without asking. By giving your dog a hiding spot from all the people, he may grow more accustomed to public places and events. Pet strollers have the added advantage of being useful for many years, especially when compared to human baby strollers, which are quickly outgrown. In order to help your anxious dog, place him in the pet stroller and go on short walks regularly around your neighborhood. Your dog needs to know that the stroller is a safe place. Cats and dogs often avoid their crates because the only time they go in them is on trips to the veterinarian and they remember that. After you have established with your dog that the pet stroller is safe, take him to a small public event or place, like a busy park or a barbecue with friends. Keep the stroller nearby but after a while, you can try putting him on a leash and collar to see if he does better. If it is an enclosed area, you can just leave the pet stroller open so he can hop out whenever he feels comfortable. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6912685

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